Greenwood, S.C. Flower Festival
Park Seed Co. in GreenwoodToday we're still in Greenwood, S.C. We started off with breakfast at Shoney's. We really like Shoney's. For those of you not familiar, Shoney's started off as Shoney's Big Boy. Just like other parts of the country have had Bob's Big Boy, Frisch's Big Boy and Alby's Big Boy. That's the one. We love their breakfast bar and also their soups. Several years ago, after they had closed all the Shoney's in the Atlanta area, we went to one up in Gatlinburg, TN. and had their beef and cabbage soup. It was delicious!! When we got home, Ben Googled Shoney's beef and cabbage soup and we got a great recipe for it. Well, yesterday on the way up here to Greenwood, we stopped at a Shoney's and had their Chicken Enchilada Soup. It was absolutely heavenly!!!! We plan to Google it as soon as we get home and hope to make some chicken enchilada soup soon!! Anyway, we started this morning at Shoney's, then headed for Park Seed which is just on the outskirts of Greenwood.
Beds of Zinnias
More flowers
Deer resistant sun garden
HybiscusThe Park Seed grounds are amazing. There were flower gardens, vegetable gardens, container gardens, a deer-resistant shade garden, a deer-resistant sun garden, a fragrance garden, an herb garden and, of course, the famous Park seeds. It's a really big operation and everything was beautiful. We got lots of ideas for things to do at home. After we had walked and looked and photographed to our hearts' content, we grabbed a Bruster's ice cream cone. They had a cart set up there at the gardens and those were the best ice cream cones (chocolate for Ben, butter pecan for me) that we have ever tasted. I hate to know that, because we have a Bruster's not very far from us at home and I don't want to get addicted!!!
Sun flower garden
Hundreds of container gardens
Vegetable garden
PumpkinsWe left Park Seed and headed across town to Emerald Farms. When we got there, the first thing we did was feed the goats and llamas.
Mr. Goat
Mr. LlamaThen the owner invited us up to her yard to see her peacocks, bunnies and roosters. She said that there are 50 bunnies that hop all over her yard, but that they are frightened by strangers, so we only got to see two. A white one and a brown one. But, there were at least a dozen peacocks and peahens wandering around. They were on the porch, on the roof, the porch railings and out by the pool. The lady gave us some bread to lure them over. After putting out some bread crumbs, they headed our way and one of the peacocks actually spread his tail and made a big show. His tail feathers were shaking and you could hear them rattling. Didn't seem to impress the peahen he was aiming at, but it impressed me!!!
Mr. Peacock
Mrs. Peahen with babies
Another peacock
Struttin' his stuff
Two of the many roosters
A miniature white church out in the field
A colorful bottle treeThey also had some beekeepers there who were enlisting people in the local beekeepers' association. They had some honey bees in a wooden case with a glass side. It was fun looking at them buzzing around being "busy as bees". And, we also saw the Queen - she was shaped a little different from the others and was a somewhat lighter color with a red spot on her back. Then we headed for the antique store, the herb shop, the railroad store and the gift shop that they had laid out in a little village format. The railroad store had a gigantic model railroad and they also had a small train out on the grounds to take kids on rides around the lake. Then we headed by the herb garden on the way back to the car. I would love to have an herb garden like that at my house. It wasn't terribly big, but was so well laid out and just had everything that you would need for cooking and fragrance. Really well done!
We thought that we were totally done in and were heading back to the hotel for a rest before getting ready for the wedding. . . . . but, NO!!! We passed a Jackson-Perkins / Park Seed / Wayside Gardens Outlet Store on the way back and just had to stop in. Ben bought some Stella d'Oro lillies and I got some fertilizer and labeling stakes for the yard. I would hate to have one of those things close to home - it would be too tempting!
And, then we get to the wedding. The groom was handsome, the bride looked like a model, all of the bridesmaids and groomsmen were young, perky and good looking, the dresses were beautiful. But, above all, the music was fabulous!!! They had four vocalists, a pianist, an organist, a trumpet player and a saxaphone player. A trio of girls sang a number called "Shine On Us", very good. Then one of the girls and the guy sang a number called "When God Made You" which basically said when God made you He must have been thinking of me 'cause you're the answer to all my prayers. Just beautiful!!!! Then, the trumpet player played Pacobel with the organist. Then the saxophone player, the trumpet player and the organist did the processional. And, later, the three girls sang the Lord's Prayer. The whole thing was just really beautiful. The reception was out at the Country Club, better known in the South as The Clu-u-ubbbb. Great food, a really good band and lots of merry-making. What a great finish for a perfect wedding weekend!!