From Sun. 8-27-06:
Ben and I both made our first trans-Atlantic flight for this trip. We left ATL Hartsfield at 8pm and landed at Gatwick Airport - London at 8:35am. It was a long flight, but I was able to sleep a little while - Ben didn't. We caught a train - The Gatwick Express - to Victoria Station. The main impression I got from the train ride was that there were chimneys as far as the eye could see!!!Then a cab to our hotel, The Rubens, just across from the stables at Buckingham Palace. It's a great location and we love the hotel.
Even though we had spent the night traveling and didn't get much sleep, we had to hit the ground running in order to get the most out of every minute that we had in England. So, Sunday found us on the HoHo bus (that stands for Hop On, Hop Off) and we traveled all over London to get a feel for the lay of the land. We passed by (and photographed):
Trafalgar Square
The National Gallery

Sir Edwin Landseer's famous Lions sculpture in Trafalgar Square (this meant a lot to me because we have a Sir Edwin Landseer dog print in our living room - he was probably the most popular artist in Victorian England)
Picadilly Circus
Wellington Arch
Wellington Arch from the other side

Buckingham Palace
Big Ben

Westminster Cathedral
and much more.
I thought that I had heard that all the red telephone booths in London had disappeared. But, it seemed to us that there are quite a few still left.
We had dinner at The Albert and I had Yorkshire Pudding for the first time. Yum-m-m!!!
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